St. Nicholas Day coffee event at the Arntz Optibelt Group

Höxter, 5 December 2024 At the Arntz Optibelt Group’s traditional St. Nicholas Day coffee event for former employees, the company honoured colleagues who were celebrating long-service anniversaries this year.

The Group’s annual St. Nicholas coffee event once again took place at the headquarters in Höxter at the beginning of December. The Management Board gave the guests an overview of the 2024 financial year and introduced the future orientation of the Arntz Optibelt Group.

Managing Director Regina Arning took over the responsibilities of the Chairman of the Managing Board, Reinhold Mühlbeyer, who recently went into retirement. She discussed the economic turmoil that started in 2023 and that has persisted throughout the present year. The cyber-attack that targeted the company group at the end of August has also likely had an impact on this year’s turnover, which is predicted to lie beneath that of 2023. The company group will however continue to push strategic projects. The company group’ new factory opened in Mexico in October – the continued expansion of the international production landscape and of the distribution presence further strengthens the group’s position on the market.

Honouring long-standing employees

This year again, the Arntz Optibelt Group was able to honour numerous long-serving employees from all divisions of the company for their dedication. In 2024, a total of 60 employees are celebrating their company anniversary at the Arntz Optibelt Group in Höxter.

Four of them can look back at an impressive 40 years of service with the company: Matthias Voss, Rolf Ludwig, Armin Duchardt, Paul Ludwig, Mateusz Sedlaczek, Klaus Rode, Heinz-Dieter Lohmann, Johannes Müller, Norbert Zins, Jörg Bergmann. A total of nine employees can look back on a quarter of a century at the company in Höxter, while another 41 employees have been with the company for ten years.

Apprenticeship start 2024

The training of its own skilled personnel and managers is one of the aspects that stands out in the corporate history of Optibelt. Starting early in August, the new apprenticeship year 2024 began with 15 apprentices and work-study students at the Höxter site. In addition to the range of apprenticeships on offer, the corporate group offers exciting job opportunities in a wide variety of specialist fields. 


  • Photocredits: Arntz Optibelt Group


  • This year again, many colleagues received high honours.
Press and Public Relations
Viviane Geisler

Corveyer Allee 15

37671 Höxter

Press and Public Relations

Viviane Geisler

Corveyer Allee 15

37671 Höxter