optibelt OMEGA High Load

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Operational safety: Longer service life for shock-loaded drives
Dynamic tests with the optibelt OMEGA High Load timing belt result in an up to 30% higher performance level compared to the optibelt OMEGA High Power.
Quiet drive: Less noise thanks to further development
The optimized tooth shape and the notch in the tooth head of the optibelt OMEGA High Load timing belts enable significantly lower noise levels. In conjunction with the specially developed materials, the noise level can be further reduced even at high speeds and high pre-tension.
Electrical conductivity: Safe, without risk of ignition
The electrical conductivity of optibelt OMEGA High Load timing belts allows electrostatic charges to be safely dissipated. This can be so strong in timing belt drives with insufficient electrical conductivity that there is a risk of ignition due to sparking.
Optimal power transmission
The optibelt OMEGA High Load timing belts provide optimal power transmission in a temperature range of - 30 °C to + 100 °C without premature ageing and embrittlement and thus drive failure.
Higher efficiency: Virtually frictionless drive
The specially developed tooth fabric of optibelt OMEGA High Load timing belts and the flexible belt design enable a virtually frictionless drive.