optibelt OPTIMAT plate connector

Plate connector
With optibelt OPTIMAT belts, it is not necessary to store different belt lengths for all possible uses in the warehouse. The open-ended perforated optibelt OPTIMAT V-belts can be joined together using a link connector. optibelt OPTIMAT V-belts are therefore very easy to adjust to the required lengths for all centre distances.

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Advantages of optibelt OPTIMAT connectors

optibelt OPTIMAT V-belts are preperforated. It is therefore not necessary to use special punching tools for linking. The short form of fixed connectors provides enough freedom of movement and flexibility for the belt. Plate connectors are pre-bent, so that even when reaching maximum admissible bending due to belt pull, the plates are not subjected to harmful bending forces. From a technical point of view, link connectors represent the better connection for belts; since plate connectors are subjected to intermittent stress (upper part of the connection), they are less flexible than link connectors. The connectors’ low weight reduces the occurrence of practical centrifugal forces when the belt pulley rotates at high belt speeds. This allows for a smooth, shock and impact-free drive.



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