optibelt clamp coupling steel/stainless steel

Easy-to-install shaft connection
The shell coupling made of high-quality steel or stainless steel is a torsionally and flexurally rigid connection coupling.

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The all-rounder

Shell couplings offer a simple and cost-effective connection between two shafts. These rigid shaft couplings are small, compact all-rounders that transmit high torques backlash-free in a small installation space. Another feature of the clamping couplings is their high rigidity, which leads to very good positioning accuracy in dynamic drives. In addition, the clutches are wear and maintenance-free. The rigid couplings are available in a slotted (one-piece) or split (two-piece) design. The two-piece version enables quick and easy radial assembly.

Different diameters

The shell couplings are supplied as standard with cylindrical finish bores without keyway. In addition, bores with keyways and bores with different diameters are also available on request. The shell couplings are mainly used in applications where no compensation of shaft misalignments is required and a relatively high torque transmission in a compact installation space is necessary. The main areas of application are therefore in the food industry and pharmaceutical technology, e.g. in mixers. However, they are also used in general (special) mechanical engineering for a variety of applications.


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