Our Headquarter in Höxter






North Rine-Westphalia

One quality standard


Head Office

Arntz Optibelt GmbH

Corveyer Allee 15

37671 Höxter

P. O. Box 10 01 32

Phone +49 5271 621

Fax +49 5271 976200

Optibelt Zentrallager in Höxter
Optibelt Zentrallager in Höxter

Warehouse pick up

Optibelt GmbH

Gutenbergstraße 6

37671 Höxter

Phone +49 5271 621

Fax +49 5271 976200

Optibelt Werkszufahrt über die Von-Siemens-Straße
Optibelt Werkszufahrt über die Von-Siemens-Straße

Warehouse delivery

Optibelt GmbH

Von-Siemens-Straße 6

37671 Höxter

Phone +49 5271 621

Fax +49 5271 976200

Documents for visitors and customers

Safety instructions for external companies, craftsmen and visitors

Here you can download our current safety instructions for occupational safety, environmental protection and fire protection. External companies, tradesmen and visitors must be trained before entering the factory premises for the first time. Thereafter, the external company's employees are instructed once a year.

The completion of the safety instruction is documented by a signature on the document "HSE confirmation sheet safety instruction". To avoid delays and to ensure that your application is processed quickly, please bring the completed and signed document "HSE Safety Instruction Confirmation Sheet" and the declaration of consent to data protection to your visit already signed.

Route Map